I didn’t even get to finish posting before the Kickstarter became fully funded. If you don’t know what Kickstarter is or how it works, you build a campaign to promote a creative project, then you assign a certain amount of days (mine is 17) and do your best to get the project funded in that time. If you succeed, the campaign is a success and you’re able to get paid for the campaign and issue out the rewards, but if you don’t fund then it’s unsuccessful and you will not be able to fulfill the campaign (at least for that specific campaign).
It’s a huge risk from me, as the person making the campaign and doing all the work behind the scenes, and a huge amount of trust and belief by the person willing to pledge to you. To say I’m honored and overjoyed, doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel right now.
What you guys don’t know is right before I launched this, I had an expert come and tell me I likely wouldn’t be funded based on my campaign. She said this not once, but twice, and it sent me into a spiraling tailspin. I had put so much work and research into this, time that could have gone into writing instead if I wasn’t going to make it. Due to the help of my incredible husband, PA, and some other Kickstarter authors I was able to refortify my confidence with a game plan for whether this did succeed or not. And so the taste of that fully funded amount showing on my screen was better than I could have ever imagined.
If you’d like to check out the campaign, I’ve included the link below. If you’re one of those that already pledge to bring this campaign to light, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.