Entering A New Road
Entering A New Road

Entering A New Road

Today’s been a huge day and I want to write this down, not just for you, but for me too. It’s important to celebrate the small moments, remember the large ones, and all the work you took to get there.

My life has changed so drastically in a short, few months. At the beginning of March I was working full time, writing and publishing, and marveling at how my head stayed glued onto my shoulders (really, the body is magical).

Toward the later part of March I knew I couldn’t do this anymore, but I kept telling myself I had to. I wrote down a date: June 2023. That was when I would be a full time author. I made a plan, ranked them in order. A few days later I spoke to my husband about it and he agreed. Not even 24 hours later I was laid off from work, and the beginnings of my plan were in full effect.

What’s happened since then has been incredible. I finished Night Fury, started working with a new cover designer and approved the cover, revitalized my marketing and the way I look at marketing as well as new business and self-care practices. I did the absolute best I could to take care of my mental health. Then in May, I sold my house.

Today was my last day in the property that has been my home for just shy of seven years. I packed the car and then I was off to my new way-station. There are so many things I learned about myself while working toward this new journey. For instance, my folding skills are top tier, packing cubes are miniature Narnias, and just how far I could push my body. But the biggest thing this time has taught me is just how much I’ve grown and how much I’ve learned about myself over the last few years. I’m proud of who I am, what I’ve done, and the next pieces of my journey. I’m excited about the things I don’t know, and beyond enthusiastic to leave the past behind.

If I can offer you anything, take a second, just one, and write, talk out loud, or think about how your life is changed. Are you happier? Sadder? Madder? Indifferent? If it’s anything less than what you wish it was, envision that life. Think about what you’d need to change to get there and believe in yourself. You’ve got this.

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