A recap of the month of September
A recap of the month of September

A recap of the month of September

September was a month filled of learning to look on the bright side, taking a deep breath, and letting go of negativity.

I’ve always loved the notion of Autumn: pumpkin spice, the leaves changing and falling off the trees, crisper air, sweaters, candles, and hot cocoa. But in Florida, fall is really just mid-summer.

This is my first time starting fall in Egypt so I was curious on if the weather would be close to what I’m used to, and it is, abet, a little hotter. 

In Europe and Africa, people tend to go on holiday during hot months, and one of Egypt’s hottest is in September. While we did not go on holiday this time around, we did visit Cairo and I got to see the mountains as we drove along the coast. My other half is from there and had fun taking me around downtown and pointing out different sites to me. 

I wasn’t able to grab a ton of pictures of Cairo as we had some business to attend to, but here are a few of the view from our AirBnB. We’ll have to go back again at some point so I may be able to go to a few more places and grab some photos!


However, I also thought I was invincible and walked thirty flights of stairs in one day. May I not recommend you ever do that? I’m still paying for that little exertion which included eighteen sleepless nights, but I’m getting a lot better.

But even with all of that, I had a really good writing month, and celebrated my One Year Anniversary of being an Author which is such a huge achievement for me.

This has been such an incredible journey in all areas of my life. There were a lot of things I had to confront to get here, including my past belief that I wasn’t creative. 

I didn’t see myself as an artist, as a writer. I always wanted to be, but I didn’t think I had the ability to put out something people would be interested in. And now, I am an International Bestselling Author working on the third book in my series.

Every time I finish and publish a story, I look back at the girl who wanted this so badly, but was so terrified she wouldn’t be enough and say, “This is for you.”

I wanted to share that with you to encourage you to go after your dreams. You don’t have to wait until you’re not scared, you’ll always be a little scared, maybe even completely terrified, but don’t let fear get in the way of you putting effort into something you want. You never know how beautiful and wonderful it could all turn out, if you refuse to try.

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