So first, let me explain what Kickstarter is. Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform for creative projects. There are an array of incredible projects there from games, to tarot cards, to even special edition books!
What’s a pre-launch page?
The pre-launch page is what a creator can use to have something to give out and say, “hey, I’m here.” It has the most basic information about the campaign including the title, subtitle, and cover image, but you can follow the campaign from here.
What would I want to follow?
Because you’ll be able to get the latest updates from the Kickstarter campaign through Kickstarter itself. They’re going to be faster to get them to you then I will. That includes when the Kickstarter campaign officially launches, when the early buy-out tiers appear and when they’re gone, and additional updates such as campaigns I plan to do giveaways with and more.